
Making Something From Nothing: Scott Dancy Of Azuna Fresh On How To Go From Idea To Launch | An Interview With Fotis Georgiadis

Dancy aimed to reinvent how we clean and deodorize our home, using tea tree oil as a basis to create a kid and pet friendly tea tree-based gel that quite literally cleans the surrounding area of bacteria and odors. A dedicated father, he’s rarely satisfied with the status quo, juggling both parenting and product development. In the last year alone, Dancy has now expanded Azuna into multiple products, partnering with retailers and selling direct to consumer, once again building a dream out of a single idea.

Read Fotis Georgiadis of Authority Magazine's full interview with Azuna's Scott Dancy, Founder & CEO, here.



Azuna's Best Sellers


Azuna Gets Harsh Chemicals Out Of Your House (and Your Life)

Here are a few of the many harsh chemical-laden products that Azuna replaces. Naturally.

Air Freshener Spray



Car Air Freshener

Dryer Sheets

Fabric Softener

You may not know this but some of the biggest sources of indoor air pollution are the very products that you use to freshen your home, your clothes and your cars. When used, these products release phthalates and other heavy, unnatural chemicals into your air. That's why, according to the EPA, indoor air (where the average American spends 90% of their time) is 2-5 times more polluted than outdoor air.